Fault: Melted Flipper Coils on the Flipper Driver Board
Homepin has released a new service bulletin to repair the fault with the melted flipper coils on the flipper driver board. If you’re flipper coil has melted and taken the flipper link with it, you will need to replace the flipper coil and sleeve, the flipper link (or link/plunger assembly) and the two driver transistors on the associated flipper driver board (H-0048). Unfortunately all parts must be replaced at the same time to correct the issue.
This issue is caused by a driver on the transistor board shorting and applying full power to the coil for an extended period of time. The coil itself hasn’t caused the problem. Unfortunately only replacing the coil will not fix the problem.
The transistors can be replaced with the same type of MOSFET, IRL540N from a reliable source. Current builds are using STP40NF10 as these are supplied directly from the manufacturer (STMicroelectronics). IRF540N are not suitable replacement parts for the board. It is recommended to replace with parts from reliable suppliers such as R.S. Components, Element14, Digikey, Mouser (&Others). It is also recommended to replace the two transistors on the second flipper driver board at the same time as a preventative measure.

H-0048 (REV 4.0) with Circled Transistors

Newer H-0048 (REV 5.0) with circled transistors
The original Homepin coil can be replaced with a WMS type is available locally such as FL-11630 and a new sleeve.
Plunger and Link:
For the plunger and link, five parts need to be replaced. From the manual, these are:
- #14 – coil sleeve
- #15 – flipper coil
- #16/#17/#18 – plunger & link assembly
A-8050-1 available from PSPA in Australia should be an OK replacement. Please refer to the service manual to ensure the small spacer bearing is re-used as it may be embedded in the melted link.

Plunger & Link Assembly
For more information, please contact Highway Games or Homepin.